Mr. Christopher Xavier J Associate Professor
Prof Christopher Xavier J is an Associate Professor in the area of Marketing and Operations. He holds Masters Degree in Business Administration from Anna University Chennai. He is an alumnus of Indian Institute of Management Indore Madhya Pradesh through FDP program in Management. He has cleared State Eligibility Test (SET) for Lectureship conducted by Mother Teresa University and National Eligibility Test (NET) for Assistant Professorship Conducted by UGC in Management. Recently he has submitted his Doctoral thesis to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and waiting for Viva Voce.
He started his career as Management Trainee in Pepsi Foods India Ltd and worked in one of the largest media houses of South India Vikatan Medias and Publishing House as Circulation and Space Marketing Executive.
He has 13 Years of teaching experience in India as well as abroad. His foreign assignments as Lecturer at Faculty of Business Administration, St Theresa International University, Thailand and Management Consultant for framing curriculum and syllabi for Certificate and Diploma Courses of Management Program in Maldives.
His areas of interest are Consumer Behavior, E Business and E Commerce, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Logistics
Papers Presented
- ‘Marketing Learning-Promoting E-Learning’, National Conference, 2009
- ‘Advertising and Sale Promotion-Online’, National Conference, 2008
- Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior of Consumers in Tier I & II Cities of South India: Analysis Using Structural Equation Modelling, Xavier Christopher., J. International Journal of Research Instinct, Vol.5, Issue 1, 79-90, March, 2018 ISSN 2348-2095.
- A study on factors influencing the demographic characters of consumers shopping online in Tier I & Tier II Cities of South India by Xavier Christopher J, Kumar J P, St. Theresa Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, Vol.1, Issue 1, 1-12, January, 2015 ISSN: 2408-2120.
- Factors influencing the purchase decision of consumers shopping online – ‘A study with special reference to Tier I & Tier II cities of South India’ by Xavier Christopher. J, Kumar J P, Research Journal of Social Science & Management, Vol.4, Issue 2, 13-23, June, 2014 ISSN: 2251-1571
- Risk & return analysis of Automobile, Oil & Gas Sector: ‘A Study, Narayanan B, Xavier Christopher J, Arivazhagan M, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities’ Vol. II. Issue VIII, 17-25, August, 2012 ISSN: 2250-1673
- Impact of visual merchandising on sales in Trichy rural outlets with special reference to soft drinks-A study, Xavier C., J. & Kumar. J, P. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management (Accepted).
Membership in Professional Bodies
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Engineering and Technology (IJARMET)
- Life Member, International Economics Development Research Center (IEDRC), Kowloon, Hong Kong. Membership No & Date: 90080717, 25th Nov 2015
- Life Member, Rural Marketing Association of India (RMAI), Noida, India. Membership No & Date: MEM01413-14, 22nd May 2013
- Professional Member, All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi, India. Membership No & Date: M201211251, 1st April 2012
- Life Member, Alumni Association, Indian Institute of Management (IIM-I), Indore, India. Membership No & Date:EEFDP201005, 27th Jan 2012.
- Linkedin Profile
