Digital Marketing Blogs

Digital Marketing Training Course in Coimbatore – RVS CAS Experience
Posted by: Minakshi Z | Digital Marketing
Why are Digital Marketing Training Institutes in Demand?
Digital Marketing Training requirements are increasing exponentially, so many digital marketing training courses/institutes are coming up in important business cities like Coimbatore. The reason for this is the increasing number of jobs in Digital Marketing. There are a lot of reports in the press, like the one titled“Why digital marketing is the next big career opportunity.”
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Marketers challenge: to reduce churn
Posted by: S.Suganya | Digital Marketing
Customer churn is calculated by the number of customers who leave your company during a given time period. When thinking of churn's impact, the statistics by Forrester Research come to mind: it costs five times more to acquire new customers than it does to keep the existing ones. To make matters even more serious, the Harvard Business School report claims that, on average, a 5% increase in customer retention rates results in a 25%—95% increase in profits.
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Digital Transformation Through Digital Marketing Strategies
Posted by: S.Suganya | Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is ever-changing, as innovation creates new opportunities for marketers every day. Along with it, the digital marketing strategy must change and grow with technology to keep ahead of competitors. Trending digital marketing strategies keep marketers on their toes, trying to innovate new and different ways to engage their audiences. As digital trends evolve every year, marketers should always be aware of the changes in order to easily adapt to emerging technologies and stay ahead in the market.
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Top 6 Techniques To Enhance the Quality of Facebook Lead Ads!
Posted by: Minakshi Z | Digital Marketing
In order to become successful, one has to do things right. This is the case with Facebook ads as well. What is it that needs to be done, to come up with some of the best Facebook lead ads? We will be seeing them right here! Here are some useful tips to help you improve Facebook lead ads quality. So, let's go through them...
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Digital Revolution is for Real! Let us be part of it!
Posted by: Karunamoorthi P | Digital Marketing
Mr. Ramu was a very successful professional working in Bangalore. His work was hectic, so he wanted to take a break for 2 weeks. He decided to travel to Kerala for a retreat. He knows he can easily find the best quality Airbnb stay and book a convenient location. He logged into the application and found an irresistible offer - Coconut Grove in Kochi, an ideal guesthouse for his family of 3 people, located amidst nature. He finishes the booking in 5 minutes, including skimming through the 120 reviews, which gives an overall 5-star rating for the location (Reference link: rooms/4824719 ).
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Green Marketing Myopia – ways to improve environmentally preferred products
Posted by: Raja Rajeswari | Digital Marketing
In 1960, Harvard Professor Theodore Levitt, in a Harvard Business Review article, introduced the classic concept of “marketing myopia” to describe businesses’ narrow vision of product features rather than consumer benefits, which means the companies grow on product-oriented not customer-oriented (Levitt, 1960).[1] Marketing Myopia suggests that businesses will do better if they concentrate on meeting customers’ needs rather than selling products.
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Showrooming: Is it eating into sales at Retail Point of Sales?
Posted by: Dr. Sunil Vakayil | Digital Marketing
"Showrooming is when a shopper visits a store to check out a product but then purchases the product online from home. This occurs because, while many people still prefer seeing and touching the merchandise they buy, many items are available at lower prices through online vendors. As such, local stores essentially become showrooms for online shoppers."
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Tremendous Opportunities in Digital Marketing
Posted by: Karunamoorthi P | Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing has become one of the most talked-about topics in marketing over the past decade. The increase in smartphone adaption and exponentially increasing data speed have ensured that more than half of the world's population is connected to each other through the Internet. This has opened up new marketing possibilities—marketing to customers via interconnected devices.
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What is Digital Marketing
Posted by: Karunamoorthi P | Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is nothing but telling one’s brand/product story over interconnected devices, i.e., marketing over the Internet. Interconnectedness is achieved through Internet connectivity, and devices are anything that lets an individual connect with another individual, like smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart watches, etc.
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