Mrs. Raja Rajeswari - Associate Professor
She is a creative, confident and highly motivated faculty with 18 years of teaching experience in teaching and research. She has qualified her NET exam in June 2011. Her Specialization is Marketing and Systems. Her major areas of academic interest include Blue Ocean Strategy, Green Marketing, General Psychology, Mythology, Digital Marketing and Consumer Behavior. She is presently pursuing her doctorate in Green Marketing. She has participated in several national and international conferences and presented papers. She has been one of the reviewers for the book titled Information Technology for Management published by McGraw Hill Co.
- Dr.Rajkumar R and Raja Rajeswari B. “Green Marketing – A Myth or a Reality”. “International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovation”, Quarterly referred Journal, Volume: 2. Issue: 1, March 2014, ISSN 2348 4705
- Dr.Rajkumar R and Raja Rajeswari B. “Green Marketing”. Research explorer (A refereed Bi-Annual Research Journal) ISSN: 2250-1940, 437-440.
- Dr.Ponnammal K Pandian, Mrs. Savitha Nair, and Raja Rajeswari B, “Can Green Innovations lead to Sustainable Development? A Case Study on the Knitwear Cluster of Tirupur, India”. “Global Conference on Innovations in Management, The Centre for Innovations in Business and Management Practice”, United Kingdom, 2011.
- Raja Rajeswari B. “Green Marketing Strategies & and Issues”.” Global Marketing Strategies & Practices” (2011), ISBN 978-93-80530-17-8 (101-103).
- Raja Rajeswari B, “Green Marketing” International Conference on HRM on Sustainable Inclusive Growth in the Global Scenario-issues and challenges, Adaikalamatha Institute of Management, Thanjavur, September 28,2013.
- Raja Rajeswari B, “Enterprise Resource Planning: its implementation issues” International Conference on New Vistas of Indian Business in Global Scenario, Brahma School of Business, October 19, 2013.
- Raja Rajeswari B, “Performance Appraisal” International Conference on HRM in the Era of Global Mobility, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, July 21, 2012.
- Raja Rajeswari B, “Indian Retail Industry Opportunity Challenges and Development” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Global Business, RVS Institute of Management Studies & RVS College of Engineering & Technology, September 15, 2012.
- Dr. Ponnammal K Pandian, Raja Rajeswari B, and Savitha Nair, “Can Green Innovations lead to sustainable development?” A case study on the Knit wear Cluster of Tirupur at CIBMP, City University, London, July 21- 22, 2011.
- Raja Rajeswari B, “Green Marketing strategies and issues” International Conference, Global Marketing Strategies and Practices, Nehru Institute of Management Studies, October 8 – 9, 2010.
- Raja Rajeswari B, “Retaining Customers for the Life Time” International Conference on Contemporary Practices in Finance & Marketing, Nehru Institute of Technology & Management, February 11-12, 2011.
- Raja Rajeswari B, “E- Waste Management” National Conference on Green Management, Dr. SNS College of Management, September 29, 2010.
- Raja Rajeswari B, “Viral Marketing - A New Promotion Tool”, National Conference on Global Competitiveness through Managerial Excellence, Dr. GRD College of Arts & Science, October 6, 2010.
- Raja Rajeswari B “Brand Management with special reference to Indian Products”, National Seminar on Application of Modern Management Thoughts, Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, February 24, 2011.
- Raja Rajeswari B “Maintaining Strong Brands”, National Seminar on Application of Modern Management Thoughts, Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, February 24, 2011.
- Raja Rajeswari B “E-waste and Recycling”, National Seminar on E- Governance: Issues & Challenges, Gobi Arts & Science College, August 7-8, 2009.
- Raja Rajeswari B “Human Resource Information System”, National Seminar on Innovative HR Practices, Karpagam University, October 30, 2009.

Marketing and Systems
Areas of interest
Marketing and Organizational Behavior
BA., MBA., M.Phil., M.Sc. (App. Psy.), NET., (Ph.D.)