Dr. K. Mangayarkarasi, Head – Aptitude Training
She has completed her M.Sc, M.Phil, MBA(HR), and Ph.D in Extension and Career Guidance (2012) from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. She has published /presented papers and articles in the area of career guidance and employability skills. She has also compiled 2 books titled Analytical and Mental ability and Interview Guide and authored a book on Skill-set Matrix and Learning Opportunities. She also has rich experience in conducting FDPs and SDPs in the area of Career Guidance and Aptitude Training.
FDP / Workshops Organised:
- Conducted FDP on “Aptitude Teaching Methodology” for the Maths Department faculty of RVS College of Arts and Science, Sulur from 20TH TO 22ND AUGUST, 2015 and 2019.
- Workshop on “Preparation of Aptitude Test Questions with Answers” for Maths Teachers of Various Colleges of Bharathiar University on 12th and 19th September 2008 at Bharathiar University.
Training of Trainers Programme/ Training Programme:
- Attended Faculty Development Workshop on “New Age Pedagogic Skills for Young Management Teachers” held at KCT Business School, Coimbatore on 3rd and 4th August 2012.
- Attended four day “Workshop on Social Science Research Methodology and Use of SPSS Software Package for Data Base Management and Analysis” organized by Bharathiar University, Coimbatore from 13th to 16th March 2008.
- “Enhancing the Employability of Students from Universities – Training the Trainer Programme” conducted by ELCOT in association with M/s Cognizant Technology Solutions, M/s Infosys Technologies Ltd., M/s Scope International ltd. and M/s Wipro Technologies Ltd. on 15th and 16th September 2006 at M/s Wipro Technologies Ltd., Chennai.
Resource Person:
- DBT Sponsored Guest lecture on “Career Guidance” conducted at Kongu Arts and Science College, Erode on 31.7.2019.
- “Placement Training Programme” at Sri Kumaran College of Arts and Sciecne, Karamadai, Coimbatore on 4th October, 2018.
- Workshop on “Aptitude preparation” at DJ Academy for Managerial Excellence, Coimbatore on 27th July and 7th September, 2018.
- Training programme on “Personality Development” on 28th February, 2018 at Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore.
- Orientation given to the BCA graduates on Mathematical aptitude at the Placement Readiness Programme at Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 14th, 15th Dec, 2017 and 23rd and 24th Jan 2018.
- Workshop on Aptitude for NET and SLET preparation” organized by the Dept, of Tamil, Bharathiar University on 9.1.2018 at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
- workshop on “Aptitude preparation” organized by the Department of Extension and Career Guidance, Bharathiar University on 14th and 15th December, 2017 at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
- Served as a Resource Person at the UGC – Sponsored Two days Workshop on “Capacity Building in Mathematics for Faculty Members” from 9-10, March 2017 conducted at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 9.3.2017.
- Acted as a resource person for the “Faculty and Placement officers Training Programme on Students Placement 2013-14” organised by Periyar University conducted at Periyar University, Salem on 4th and 5th October 2013.
- Linkedin Profile

Career Guidance and Counseling / HR / Entrepreneurship