Academic Coordinator & Associate
Dr.N.Kanakaraj is the Academic Coordinator and Associate Professor in RVS CAS MBA and heading the Applied Finance Department.
Dr.N.Kanakaraj has done his graduation (BBM) in RVS College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore and Post-graduation (MBA) in CBM College, Coimbatore. He has done his M.Phil.and Ph.D. in Management discipline at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. In addition, he also holds a Master degree in Commerce (M.Com.) and Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications.
He had been into academics for more than 17 years and his areas of academic interests are in Corporate Finance, Equity Valuation, Behavioral Finance, Financial Institutions & Markets, Equity Derivatives, Wealth Management and Security Analysis and Portfolio Management which focuses on addressing the critical need for having a more integrated and sustainable business structure. He has published 23 research articles in reputed National and International journals. He had participated in more than 30 seminars and conferences besides 40 faculty development Programs & workshops as well.
He has previously associated himself with Maharaja Engineering College, Avinashi as a Lecturer cum NSS & YRC Coordinator from 2005 to 2008 and prior to that he had also been part of Textile industry for some time. He was the coordinator of MBA Part time Program at RVS CAS School of Management Studies PG for about 5 years from 2008 to 2013. He has produced 2 Ph.D. and 4 M. Phil scholars in Management and is presently guiding 6 Ph.D scholars. He has completed his second Ph.D. in Commerce in the area of Capital Market
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj & Mr.K.Karthick, published an article on "Impact of Emotional Intelligence over the Teaching Performance in Higher Educational Institutions", International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management, 2017, ISSN 2231-5756.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj & Mr.K.Karthick, published an article on "A Study on Competencies of Emotional Intelligence which directly or indirectly Influences the Teaching and Learning Environment", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 2018, ISSN: 2320-2882.
- V.Balamurugan & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on "Work Life Balance among Women Police in Tamilnadu", Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 2018, ISSN: 2278-859X.
- V.Balamurugan & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on "Influence of Work Related Issues and Family Related Issues on Work Life Balance", International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 2018, ISSN: 2320-2882.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj & Dr.G.Ravindran, published an article on “An analysis of stock market performance of the automobile companies using CAPM Model", Wide Spectrum Research Journal, 2016, ISSN: 2250-2815.
- Dr.G.Ravindran & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on “Equity investors’ level of satisfaction on investment objectives in the capital market with reference to Coimbatore district", CKPIM Business Review, 2015, ISSN 2347 – 5587.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj & Dr.R.Rajkumar, published an article on "Investors awareness on equity investment in the capital market with reference to Coimbatore – district", Wide Spectrum Research Journal, 2015, ISSN 2250 – 2815.
- Dr.R.Rajkumar & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on "Investment information, satisfaction and problems of individual investors with reference to Coimbatore – district", Wide Spectrum Research Journal, 2014, ISSN: 2230-7257.
- Dr.R.Rajkumar & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on “A Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance of Reliance Communications Ltd. and Bharathi Airtel in India", RVS Journal of Management, 2014, ISSN: 0975 -3435.
- Dr.R.Rajkumar & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on "Select socio economic variables and herding effect on influencing factors, investors time horizon and their experience", Indian Journal of Research in Management Business and Social Sciences,2014,ISSN: 2319-6998.
- Dr.Joji Chandran & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on “Determining the Optimum Portfolio Using Strategic Asset Allocation Techniques", A Journal of Business &Management Management Wisdom, 2012, ISSN: 22307257.
- Dr.Joji Chandran & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on “Status of women managers in software industry", RVS Journal of Management, 2010, ISSN: 0975-3435.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on "An analysis of risk return and equity investment decisions in the capital markets with reference to Coimbatore Investors", RVS Journal of Management, 2016, ISSN 0975-3435.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj & P.Mekala, published an article on "Investment strategy and asset allocation approach using sharpe’s single index model on S&P BSE BANKEX", MM Journal of Management in Manufacturing & Services, International Society for Green, sustainable engineering and management,2016,ISSN 2350-1480.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj & Dr. K. Thulasivelu, published an article on “Evaluation of Performance of Eicher Motors Limited through Industry Analysis and Profitability Ratios", Intercontinental Journal of Finance Research Review, 2016, ISSN 2321-0354.
- Dr.Savitha Nair, Mr.N.Kanakaraj & M.D Kadirvel, published an article on “Service Quality Expectations in Hospital Industry: An Empirical Analysis", Commerce and Management A-Modern Perspective, 2015, ISBN: 978-93-83241-67-5.
- Mr.K.L.Gowrishankar & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on "Age diversity of the workforce and employees performance – A descriptive study", Intercontinental Journal of Marketing and Financial Management, 2017, ISSN 2349-2546.
- Dr.Joji Chandran & Dr.N.Kanakaraj, published an article on "Global Governance Principles and Innovative Best Practices", Global Innovative Practices in Business, 2011, ISBN-978-81-909150-8-3.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj & Dr.G.Ravindran, published an article on "Relative Valuation Multiples: Valuing the listed tractor companies in Bombay Stock Exchange", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 2019, ISSN 2349-5162.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "A two -pronged International Marketing Strategy for Managing Bank Services in the International Market Place", International Conference on Global Marketing Strategies and Practices by Kongunadu arts and science college, Coimbatore ,25.09.2012.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on “Status of E-Governance in Indian Banking – an Enquiry, "International Seminar on innovation practices in management by Paavai Engineering College ,31st Dec, 2009..
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "An overview of mutual funds in India, "International Conference on innovations in business horizons by Karpagam University, September 24 & 25th, 2009.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Global recession and Indian financial bazaar," International Conference on Global recession and its impact by Nehru Institute of Management Studies, 18.02.2010.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "A comparative analysis of managerial efficiency of BA and RCOM, ",International Conference on New Vistas of Indian Business in Global Scenarios by Brahma School of Business, Salem ,19.10.2013..
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on " Recent trends in capital market development in India: An Empirical Study, "International Conference on Emerging paradigms in management Research by Vivekanandha College & Mother Teresa Womens University, 27 & 28.02.2014.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Analysis of CNX Bank Index Financial Performance SBI, "International Conference on Innovation and Implementation of Information Technology in Global Business by Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, 03.02.2014.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Impact of Innovative Financial Instruments in Banking, Insurance & Mutual Funds, "National Conference on Crisis management by Adithya Institute of Technology, 23.9.2010.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Corporate restructuring strategies, "National Conference on Business Strategies for Sustainable Growth by Karpagam College of Engineering, 29.10.2010.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Recent Trends in Financial Services, ",National Conference on Emerging Trends in Global Business by RVS Institute of Management Studies & RVS College of Engineering & Technology ,01.09.2011.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Innovative marketing strategy- a road map for success, "National Conference on Innovative management strategies by RVS CAS School of Management Studies PG, 28.01.2011.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Public Private Partnership, "National Conference on Innovative Strategies for Global Competitiveness by RVS CAS School of Management Studies PG, 11.02.2012.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Credit card payments in India, ",National Conference on Emerging Trends in Global Business by RVS Institute of Management Studies & RVS College of Engineering & Technology ,15.09.2012.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Successful Ethical Transformation in Branding and Advertising, "National Seminar on ethical transformation of contemporary business by Sree Narayanaguru Institute of management studies, February 12th, 2010.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Service Quality Expectations in Hospital Industry: An Empirical Analysis, "National Conference on Emerging Trends in Business by Chirist University, Bangalore, 08.12.2013.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Financial crisis in India, "National Level Conference on the global financial crisis and its impact on India by maharaja arts and Science College, 25.09.2009.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "The future Challenges for Indian banks , ",National Seminar on emerging paradigms in financial sector by Karunya University ,Oct 16th & 17th, 2008..
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "A framework for analyzing core competencies of small industries, "National seminar on technology integration – problems and prospects for small and medium industry/business by GRD Academy of Management, 23rd and 24th January 2008.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Financial inclusion and information technology, "International Seminar on global management challenges by Nandha Engineering College, 17th Oct, 2008..
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Human Resource Accounting, "National Seminar on innovative HR practices in management by Karpagam University, October 30th, 2009.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on “Impact of E-Banking on Risk and Responses in Indian Sector, "National Seminar on E-governance: challenges and issues by Gobi Arts and Science College, August 7-8, 2009..
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Employment in un-organized sector in India", National Seminar on changing dimensions of human resources in the globalised scenario by Gobi arts and science college ,Feb 20th & 21st , 2009..
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Impact on financial crisis in US economy, "National Seminar on the global financial crisis and its impact on India by Navarasam arts and Science College for women, Feb 07th, 2009.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Impact on new model mortgage lending, "National Seminar on the global financial crisis and its impact on India by Navarasam arts and Science College for women, Feb 07th, 2009.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Impact of inflation on the growth of Indian economy", Two day National Seminar on current inflationary trend and its impact on Indian business and strategies for management by Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, January 30th & 31st, 2009.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Measuring and Managing Risk in Financial Service Sector, “National Conference on Risk management by Karpagam University, 8.10.2010.
- Dr.N.Kanakaraj, presented a research paper on "Role of Regional Rural Banks in Economic Development in India", National Conference on Role of Banking Sector in Rural Economic Development by Dr. NGP Arts and Science, Coimbatore, 23.09.2011.
Consultancy Assignment
- Consultancy Assignment on “Customers expectation survey with special reference to Trichy District” was undertaken in the month of December 2010 for Chennai silks.
- Consultancy Assignment on “Health care opinion and expectation survey with special focus on maternity care at Sulur Taluk” was undertaken in the month of September 2013 for KMCH Hospital.
Participation in In-house training programmes/ FDP’s/ Workshops
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Dynamics of management consultancy” which was organized by RVS-IMSR, Sulur at Alangar hotel Coimbatore.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “ Enhancing Communicative Skills” which was organized by RVS-IMSR,sulur Coimbatore on 09.07.2011
- Participatied in MDP programme on “Balanced Score Card” which was organized by RVS-IMSR,sulur at Coimbatore productivity council,coimbatore.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Indian Financial Services Market which was organized by RVS-IMSR, Sulur, and Coimbatore.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Motivation Towards Research” which was organized by RVS-IMSR, Sulur, Coimbatore on 23.03.2010.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Case Method of Teaching” which was organized by RVS-IMSR, Sulur Coimbatore.
- Participatied in MDP programme on “BPR -a Turnaround Tool” which was organized by RVS-IMSR, Sulur.
- Participated MDP programme on in “Paradigm Shift” which was organized by break through – banglore on 09 – 11 .08.2012.
- Participatied in MDP programme on “Business Intelligence & Cyber Security for Nimbler Organizations” which was organized by RVS-IMSR, Sulur.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Creativity in Management” which was organized by GRD institute of management, Coimbatore.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “CASE WRITING” which was organized by RVS-IMSR, Sulur, Coimbatore.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “National Research Conclave In Business and Management” which was organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Profit Making In Futures and Options” which was organized by KPR School of Business, Coimbatore.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Seminar on Budget Discussion 2011”which was organized by Divyodhaya,Coimbatore on 04.03.2011.
- Participatied in FDP programme on Research and Consultancy for Academicians”which was organized by IBS - Banglore at GAG, Coimbatore on 31.01.2013.
- Participatied in FDP programme “Foreign Exchange for you” which was organized by RBI - Chennai at SITRA, Coimbatore on 06.07.2012.
- Participatied in International Workshop on “Global Business Challenges” which was organized by IBS - Banglore at GAG, Coimbatore on 31.01.2013.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Faculty Knowledge Sharing Program” which was organized by IBS - Banglore at GAG, Coimbatore on 26.07.2019.
- Participatied in FDP programme on “Faculty Knowledge Sharing Program” which was organized by IBS - Banglore at GAG, Coimbatore on 23.08.2018.
- Participatied in one day FDP programme on “Mutual Funds” which was organized by BSMED at bharathiar university, Coimbatore on 04.06.2019.
- Linkedin Profile

Finance & Marketing
Areas of interest
Corporate Finance, Applied Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Modeling and Valuation, Banking and Financial Markets, Equity Derivatives, Behavioral Finance, Equity Derivatives, Fixed Income Securities, Wealth Management and Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.
MBA., M.Phil., Ph.D.(Management)., NET (Management)., M.Com., Ph.D. (Commerce)., NET (Commerce)., PGDCA.,