Competency Mapping in Select Sector in India
Posted by: Mrs. Mekala P | Human Resources
In the current competitive world, recruitment aspect of HR process is facing difficulty in finding a person or an employee with apt skills for the organization. Because of the changing nature of organizations, HRM has becomes critical for the organizations survival. There is more demand for multi skilled people and it’s also very difficult to develop multi skilled employee inside the organization. The role of HR is to find the gap between employees and employer in the organization. Notably HRs use competency as the crucial tool to find the skill gap. This tool helps in filling the gap of an employee and employer’s relationship by assessing the training needs and to improve the performance of the employee.

Today organizations are talking in terms of competency. When people speak about the skill set needs of the organization which means it’s all about competency.
Competency may take the form of Knowledge, Skill, Attitude and Value. In current trend most of the organizations have realized that properly designed skill competency model leads to superior individual and organization performance.
Competencies vary from one individual to another likewise one job to another or from one department to another department. Each competencies carry different value or weightage. Competency Mapping rates an employee’s skills and helps to improve the core competency, which is needed for their career development. In the recent days most of the organizations have developed and achieved distinction to become global competitors only by acquiring the skills like Strategic thinking, Teamwork, Problem solving, Decision making, Leadership and Cross functional perspective.

Important Assets of the Organization:
Generally, In most of the industries, employers are looking at their employees as great assets. Nowadays, Organizations are finding very difficult to retain their talented employees. Especially in the production function, employees are the biggest asset to the companies. When they leave from the organization they take a part of the company’s knowledge, skill and experience along with them. This is a great loss to the organization. Retaining the best people is essential for the success of a company.
Money may be sufficient to motivate some employees, but to most employees, being appreciated and respected are just as important. Human capital investment is critical to the organization and that pay back in increased productiveness that could be enormous. So organizations need to find the required skillset of employees and what sort of skill they require to complete their tasks and the need to give proper training to the employees. A well-trained employee base is ultimately a competitive advantage and decisive edge to the organization.
Most of the time, new employees fail to meet the expectation of industry because of fit issues, rather than technical competency. The Competency Mapping model offers a proven method to significantly improve the hiring process.
Competency can be useful to the organization: How
- To create Strategy, Vision, Mission and Culture of the organization.
- To generate Systematic Performance Appraisal System and job satisfaction & employee relationship.
- Increase the effective Training modules.
- Better understanding of Roles and Responsibilities.
- To create Action plan.
- Make Change Management process work more efficiently.
Some of the Research Review about competency in Industry:
Power sector:
In the power sector the skill set of the employees has to be identified, measured and to be developed where they lack a particular skill set. This is done in order to increase productivity. Power sector, being a major sector of development, requires competency assessment.
The competency assessment is focused on six behavioral segments namely, Knowledge, Communication, Development of people, Team orientation, Achievement orientation and Client orientation. These six competencies are used to the development of employee and to find the level of skilled employee and these competencies will help the organization to find the training needs of employees. This in turn helps to increase productivity.
Education Sector:
- The competency mapping of faculty or departmental/organizational skill gap analysis with the appropriate learning objects is crucial in order to develop the correct learning paths and consequently the appropriate skill set of faculties in educational institutions.
- The purpose of the study is to find the knowledge and skills possessed by experts-individuals who are considered to be competency management experts. Their ability to reproduce an expert’s knowledge allows wide distribution of this expertise available for all at a reasonable cost.
- The objective of the study is to develop an expert knowledge based system for competency management of the Technical Educational Institutions. The various stages of expert system developments are (i) Task analysis (ii) Knowledge acquisition (iii) Prototype development (iv)Expansion and Refinement and (v) Verification and Validation.
Hotel Industry:
The hotel industry is people focused and labour intensive. They measure competency using a system plan that is very similar to HRM. The study in Hotel industry is done to explore the competency of the employees in that industry as well as to study their standards with regard to the qualifications according to hotel divisions: General Management; Marketing & Sales; Rooms Division; F&B; and Cooking.
These findings will help hoteliers in the future to understand the job requirements for each department in a hotel and to identify the deficiencies in required competencies of the employees working in the hotel industry. This will in turn provide suitable suggestions to enhance the same.
The study result shows that most of the hotels give the opportunities to their employees to express their opinions with their boss when in disagreement and the hotels give out in detail, about job requirements and instruction to their employees.
- COMPETENCY MAPPING OF EMPLOYEES IN THE POWER SECTOR WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CHENNAI MRS. B. R. CELIA; MR. M. KARTHICK International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol.2 Issue 1, January 2012, ISSN 2231 5780
- A Competency Mapping for Educational Institution:Expert System Approach PoojaTripathiInt. J. of Computer and Communication Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010
- Competency Mapping in Hotels with Reference to Jammu Kashmir Mr.ZulfiqarMurtaza Journal of Exclusive Management Science - March 2015 -Vol 4 Issue 3 - ISSN 2277 – 5684