Dr. A. Rajamani, Associate Professor
Dr.A.Rajamani presently working as Associate Professor in Rathnavel Subramanium College of Arts and Science. She had 15 years of experience in teaching. She had completed her doctoral research in Bharathiar university in the domain of finance in the year 2018 and presently guiding research scholars. Her excellence in field of management helped to clear UGC NET exam in the year 2012. She had Published Various Papers in National and International Journals and Actively participate in various conference and faculty development programmes. she acted as board member and resources person for various programmes. Dr.A.Rajamani organised various guest lectures,workshop.conference etc.She has also conducted various club activities for the students. She has a passion towards delivering latest information learnt from various NPTEL courses to the future managers.She has attended training programm organised by INFOSYS for faculties and also other Professional bodies. With expertise and knowledge in various finance area such as Applied financial statement, capital market, Advanced financial modelling etc.,always work for the betterment of student community. Highly motivated and energetic individual focusing on enrichment of knowledge to the student community in various financial areas.
- International Journal of creative Research Thoughts (2022)-A study on policy Holder challenges and satisfaction towards star Health Insurance during covid period.
- International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research(2020)- International Journal of research on the topic “A Study On Factors Affecting The Choice Of Parent In Selecting School For Kids In Tamilnadu [Special Reference To Coimbatore City]”.
- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research(2019)-Profitability and Liquidity Analysis of Selected MNC’S Pharmaceuticals in India
- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (2019)- “Financial Efficiency Analysis of Selected MNC's Pharmaceuticals Operating in India”
- Primax(2016)-Journal of research on the topic “Financial Performance of Selected Indian Pharmaceutical Industries”
- Parepix(2012)-Indian Journal of research on the topic “ Implementation of ERP in Business process based on Cloud Computing”.
- Parepix(2012)-Indian Journal of research on the topic “ Pioneering methods of teaching in higher education
- IJSR(2013)-International Journal of research on the topic “Investor preference about investment in mutual funds with special reference of Bonanza Portfolio Ltd”.
- Published a Book on “Banking & Financial Services” by Thakur Publisher with ISBN -978-93-82249-61-0
- Two week Faculty Development Programme on Managing Online Classes and Co- Creating MOOCs organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College (University of Delhi) held during 20th April - 6th May '20 Total no.of .Webinars :20
Paper Presented at Seminar/Conference
- Participated in National level workshop on Data analysis and Interpretation using SPSS and AMOS
- Participated in the panel Discussion on” A Focus of Demonetization on budget 2017” At Sankara college of Science and Commerce,Coimbatore.
- Presented paper in International Conference on” challenges in Green Marketing” at S.N.R &Sons College, Coimbatore
- Presented paper in International Conference on “Analytical Review of FDI in India “at Sri Ganesh School of business Management, Salem
- Presented paper in International Conference on “Process Reengineering(BPR)”at Adaikalamatha instituteof management, Thanjavur
- Presented paper in International Conference on “Time management” at Tiruppur kumaran college for Women, Tirupur
- Presented paper in National Conference on “A study on strategic management with reference to private hospital in coimbatore” Ethiraj college for women, Chennai
- Participated and presented paper in National level Seminar on “Green Banking in india” VEL Tech School of management studies, Chennai.
- Presented paper in UGC sponsored National Conference on “Managing stress among It professionals”, at Erode Arts college, Erode
- Presented paper in UGC sponsored National Conference on “Standardization in defence production department at -PSG college of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
- Presented paper in National Conference on “Continuous quality management” at Tiruppur kumaran college for Women, Tirupur
- Presented paper in National Conference on “Health insurance in India opportunities challenges & Concerns” at Hindustan college of Arts & science, Coimbatore.
- Presented paper in National Conference on “Impact of globalization of Indian Technical Education System”, Anna University Chennai.

Finance and Marketing
MBA.,M.Phil.,PGDCA .,M.Com.,NET.,Ph.D